Sunday, August 31, 2014

3 Years

This three year old certainly keeps me on my toes. He insists on walking everywhere we go. He loves hiking and throwing rocks into streams and lakes. He doesn't throw fits like he did when he was two. (THANK GOD). His sense of humor is wild and oddly mature. He sings the chant from Return to Innocence (you can listen below) and announces every toot. He asks "what's wrong" and says "it's okay" whenever someone is crying. He still eats anything - especially if there's something to dip it in. He's independent, intense, energetic and bold! Happy 3rd birthday, baby boy! I love you.

And, because we love music so much, here are a few of Liam's favorite songs....

Liam's Favorite Songs by LMRphotos on Grooveshark

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Vacation Hangover

We've returned from two weeks in the Pacific Northwest. I'd like to say it was relaxing but traveling with a toddler felt like regular, everyday life. We got to have some fun but we also painted my dad's warehouse (and be "we" I mean mostly Dan). I did 5 photoshoots while we were there, too. We went on some amazing hikes in the Columbia River Gorge. We celebrated my mom's birthday, my birthday and our wedding anniversary. It was a very full two weeks.

Dan left a few days early, to get back on the road, and Liam got a little crazy. He was OVER IT. I got hit more times than I can count and heard him say that he missed daddy and wanted to go home over and over again. When the time finally came to fly this kid back to Nashville, he was ready. The flights were great! The layover was a little nuts but the fact is we made it and I am no longer scared or dreadful of traveling alone with him. 

During our layover in Denver, I dropped my phone in the toilet. Awful. Disgusting. Horrifying. It worked fine and I thought I was in the clear. Until we got home last night and it wouldn't charge. Into a bag of rice it went and I'm still not sure if it's going to be okay. 

So, today I got to experience life as an adult in the 80s - but without the shoulder pads and recreational cocaine usage. I made plans with a friend (via Facebook messenger - okay, that part isn't very 80s) to meet at a new restaurant. Liam and I went out and ran errands and got to the restaurant five minutes early. We got a table, I ordered coffee and water. We waited. When she was a few minutes late, I started to worry. Maybe this place is so new it's not on Google maps? After 20 minutes, I ordered food, we ate it, and I rushed home to message her. Yes, she was lost. She drove around looking for it and I felt awful. I also haven't heard from my husband in 24 hours. I've tried Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Skype. No luck. Phones, man. How did we ever live without them? 

It's full on wedding season! I've got 4 - 5 weddings every month until the end of the year. Liam turns three next week and he's starting in a Mother's Day Out program 2 times a week. So, I guess you could say... we're home and we're ready to party. 

I think I have a vacation hangover. I need a vacation to get over my vacation! How do you feel after a long vacation?

Oregon Zoo with my friend Amanda and her boys, Macklin and Merrick.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Then, Now & Forever. Happy Anniversary!

It's crazy to think back to my late-teens and wonder, "Did I really know what I was doing?" I did. I think. I knew I wanted to make a life with Dan. I wanted to shop for houses and cook dinner and travel the world with him. I didn't care much about a wedding. I just wanted a marriage.
I knew we'd change. I knew we would grow and evolve and I knew that he would be the man that would let me do just that.
I didn't want to change him. (I did want him to pick up his dirty laundry.)
Now, 11 years later, he's not much more than a shadow of the boy I married. But, I love him so much more than I ever thought possible. We've changed and grown and evolved.... Together.
Marriage isn't complicated when you've found the right person. It's a commitment. It's a friendship. It's the best thing that ever happened to me.
I love you, Daniel. Then, now, & forever.

Friday, August 15, 2014


We turn not older with years but newer every day. - Emily Dickinson

I'm old. I feel as though I'm on life number 3 or 4. I've had a few careers, became a mom, lived in two foreign countries, owned 2 houses and an insane number of cars. I've had scraped knees and broken hearts. I've fallen in love and traveled the world. 

I love that Emily Dickenson quote: We turn not older with years but newer every day. Rather than think of myself as getting older, I want to think about being newer. It's a good year for that. New city, new career, new parental status.

Hey, 31! Cheers.

I hope you enjoyed photos from my 5th, 27th, 29th and 30th birthdays! xo, Lindsy

Saturday, August 02, 2014


Reason #1683 to not bring your child to work with you:
Even if you're working with your friends (especially if you're working with your friends?)

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