Thursday, November 03, 2011

The [Golden] Birthday Girl

This is my gorgeous "cousin" Brit.  On the night of her birthday, we dressed in gold for her golden birthday.  After romping around Arizona for a few days telling everyone we met that we were celebrating Brit's "golden birthday" we found out that not a lot of people had any idea what that meant.  It's really quite simple:  she turned 27 on the 27th.  My golden birthday was my 15th birthday because my birthday is August 15.  

Happy birthday, Brit!  Thanks for the memories!  [some more "permanent" than others!]

Have you celebrated your golden birthday yet?  What did you do?


  1. It wouldn't have been golden without you. THANKYOU.


  2. How fun?! Your cousin is lookin gorgeous in all that gold!
    Mine was when I was 3, so it was pretty much nuts:)


  3. Oooh! I really like dressing up in gold. So wonderful. Mine was my 24th birthday, so year before last and I didn't do anything super crazy on that day, but my present to myself was going to Maui with my friend Erin. We spent ten whole glorious days in paradise. Golden paradise.


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