I love people and I love going to restaurants and shows. For some reason, I have a lot of friends who like hanging out in small groups. I am more of a let's-get-everyone-together kind of gal. This is likely attributed to the fact that I grew up in a family of 6 with a HUGE extended family. Let's just say, I'm used to large gatherings.
I have a lot of friends who seem to need, or prefer, one-on-one time. Which is fine! I love that, too. I realize that I've been trying to seize the day more than I should and be all things to all people. Mostly I just need a lot of social time because A) I work frome home, just me and my bunnies; and B) I miss Dan and it takes my mind off his absense; oh and C) It's healthy! But recently I've been worn out. I'm working hard. I'm worrying about health and money and sick friends.

So, I resolve to rest more. To read more. To relax and find "balance". To take baths! I took a bath last night - with epsom salts for my wounds. As I sat in the tub I realized that I hadn't taken a Photo of the Day yet. I love my bathroom so I started looking around and VOILA! I just thought the composition of this was nice and the filter is calming and 60s - inspired. Hope you like it!
oh, what I would do for a bath tub! that sounds wonderful! Sounds like we're both trying to achieve "balance."