I get asked "Whyyyy did you get a rabbit?" Well.... it's a cute story... that begins with a tragic death. Last year, my dear cousin bought her first pet: a rabbit. She got him the best of everything: cage, food, hay, litter box, toys, treats. He lived 7 days. I made a horrible movie about him and his funeral. I felt so bad that her first pet DIED within a week. She mentioned she wanted a Netherland Dwarf so I found a breeder who happened to have a few available. I went to see them and I fell in love. I had to get two. One for her, one for me.
I love Winston! He's low maintenance and still just as cute (to me) as the day I got him. He doesn't bite, doesn't chew on cords/wires, poops everywhere - but it's easy to clean. I heard bunnies can live for 15 years so it's a good thing that I like him because there's a good chance he'll be a part of my life for a long, long time!
I think andy actually wants a bunny now. he felt so bad about my appointment today, that he agreed to go to the humane society with me to look at doggies. :)