We went through a ton of names. There were always two that were top contenders: Jonas and Ronan. Unfortunately they don't go together. Ronan Jonas Read. Jonas Ronan Read. They're kind of the same name, 5 letters with O-N-A in the middle.
We've liked 'Jonas' for years but for some reason it kept coming in second place to Ronan. I found the name Ronan on a baby name app. We wanted a name that would honor Dan's dad, Ronn but we couldn't name a baby Ronald! (Sorry to all you Ronald's out there.) Ronan is a Celtic/Irish name that means Oath. Liam's name is Irish, too. It started to grow on us over the months. We know it's an uncommon name and that he will very likely be mistaken for "Rowan" and "Roman" but if that's an issue, he can go by "Ro" or "Ezra".
We've liked 'Jonas' for years but for some reason it kept coming in second place to Ronan. I found the name Ronan on a baby name app. We wanted a name that would honor Dan's dad, Ronn but we couldn't name a baby Ronald! (Sorry to all you Ronald's out there.) Ronan is a Celtic/Irish name that means Oath. Liam's name is Irish, too. It started to grow on us over the months. We know it's an uncommon name and that he will very likely be mistaken for "Rowan" and "Roman" but if that's an issue, he can go by "Ro" or "Ezra".
Now for a middle name. We wanted something biblical. We liked David, Amos, Micah, Levi, etc etc etc. Then one day, about a week before he arrived, I thought of Ezra. It means "helper". Dan's parents took a 2 week trip to South Africa so we thought we'd better tell Papa his grandson's name before he left. Dan told him the middle name would be Amos, David or Ezra and Papa said, "Oh! I like Ezra!" so it was a front runner. Dan loved it, too. We still hadn't officially settled on a name when Ronan was born so while he was laying on my chest and Dan was texting everyone that "Ronan TBD Read" was born, we decided we'd better decide! Let's go with Ezra. Ronan Ezra. You have a name.
LOVE it!! Perfect name and great story behind it! :) His diaper is awesome, by the way.