Friday, February 24, 2012

Coming Home

I couldnt do it.  As soon as the plane took off in SeaTac, a rush of panic came over me.  I just left this child that I barely know, who was given to me a week before, who I was in love with and was responsible for.  He's all I've thought about for the past week.  We have been at a French camp in the Alps for one week.  I went snowboarding everyday, I ate delicious food, I ran games and sang songs.  But I was always thinking about Baby Bread.  I am a mother now.  That's what I do.  So, I spent a CRAZY amount of money to change my plane ticket from Tuesday to Saturday.  Camp ended today and I will be home tomorrow with our baby boy!  I am missing 3 days of sight-seeing but I will be exactly where I want to be.  Where I need to be.

I finished my work.  The camp is over and we had a blast.  Dan will stay here as a chaperone and a tour guide and I know he wishes he could come home, too, but it's not possible.  I will miss him like crazy.  The days before our trip to France, with just the three of us, were fantastic!

So, I am coming home and Dan is coming soon.  Au revoir a France!  Salut a Washington!


  1. you ARE a mother now. and a FABULOUS one at that. welcome home. xxoo

  2. i totally understand the ache to rush home, and I'm so glad you were able to make it happen.

  3. Sometimes you dotta do what you gotta do!


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