Thursday, February 02, 2012


I'm bummed.  Like .... THIS bummed.....

I got attached to a story about a foster-baby and Dan and I decided to tell the agency we want him even though we have an 11 day trip booked to France and I don't even have a car seat - or bottles or formula or really, anything!  But, we were too late. He's with another family.  I'm sure they are awesome.  They are going to love him and care for him and he's so lucky that he had TWO families who wanted him.  

But, my heart is a little bit broken.  

I know there are hundreds of babies who need us but I am still grieving the loss of this child that was never mine in the first place.  I've got to stay positive.  The upsides are that A) Our nursery is TOTALLY ready!  B)  I am not concerned about attachment issues for us because Dan and I were SO ATTACHED to this little guy and we never even met him.  C)  We are prepared for the crazy, last-minute adventure of saying "yes" to a kiddo.

Ready for our next "offer".  Bring it on.


  1. aw, Lindsy! I'm so bummed for you. But I know that there will be another baby for you...YOUR baby, when you're back from France...and don't let a silly carseat or formula hold you back, because your friends have your back. If you get in a bind let me know. : )

    1. Thanks, Rachel!!! The 'stuff' wont hold me back! Now that I realized that I could be ready for a kid, I want one RIGHT NOW. But, it's better for the kiddo if we wait until we're back from France.

  2. This breaks my heart. You and Dan are going to be amazing parents and any baby will be so lucky to have you guys as parents. Oh, and we've got some bottles for you that we're not using, so we've got you covered there. :)

    1. Thank you, Jill! I know there are LOTS OF [too many] other babies, I just got really attached to this one.

  3. bummer. i'm so sorry for the let down. patience is NOT my virtue, so i can imagine what all this waiting must be like for you. hang in there!

    1. I struggle with patience, too. But I have a few distractions coming up like a baby shower and a trip to France! I have my whole life to be a parent so I'm trying to cherish these next few weeks. Thanks for the encouragement, Erin!


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