Thursday, December 15, 2011

I ♥ France!

So, Dan and I lived in the French Alps for a year.  We've gone back every year, save for last year, to help run a bilingual (French-English) skip camp at a magical place called Champfleuri!  I am so happy to announce that we are going back to France in mid-February 2012!  We usually pay for most of the trip ourselves.  We save all year.  It's a huge financial sacrifice for us but it's always worth it.  I don't care if I have to eat macaroni and cheese throughout the entire month of March.... and April....  We are going back to France in February!  I cant wait!!!  Joyeux Noël! Bonne Année!  Fevrier cant come soon enough.

Grenoble, France.

Me & Dan, walking the streets of Grenoble, Feb 2010.  Photo by:  KQ.

Camp Champfleuri

Camp Champfleuri

We walked up to the top of the Vercour.  Photo by:  KQ.
Amazing, RIGHT?

On the slopes!

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