Monday, October 03, 2011

This Rocks!

I amazed myself last week:  I re-upholstered an old rocking chair that we found on the street in Seattle.  (I don't know if this happens in other places but here in Tacoma/Seattle, when someone doesn't want something, they put it outside with a sign that says "FREE".  Happens all the time!  Need furniture?  Drive around long enough and you'll find some.)

The local fabric store was having huge sales, like 60% off, so I got a TON of stuff for the kiddo's room.  I chose a neutral fabric and decided to add a pop of color with the yellow/gray fabric that Dan picked out.

I think it needs a little something more.  The yellow doesn't pop quite as much as I thought it would.  I want to make a larger, square pillow with red and white stripes.  Since the chair was free, this entire project cost $25!

You can see the before photo HERE!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize it was THAT rocker! It looks SOOOOO much better!


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