Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Cheap, Tasty AND VEGAN?!

The Rockstar got home from tour on Tuesday.  Since I hadn't seen him in two weeks I didn't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen making dinner.  As I opened the refrigerator and cupboards I realized that we had a lot of Mexican-style foods.  So, we threw together the quickest, cheapest, tastiest meal known to man.  We're calling it Mexican Succotash!

Combine in a bowl:  One large can of [organic] black beans, cubed avocado and tomato, fresh corn (cut off the cob), cilantro, lime juice.

Then, I made some chips similar to my friend Ruthy's chips.  Instead of deep frying them I put a layer of oil on a baking sheet and bake the tortillas in the oven for about 15 minutes at 350 degrees.

VOILA!  An easy and cheap meal that tasted amazing and didn't harm any animals.  Everyone wins!  


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