My Danny left me this morning for a tour to California. We always go on a date the night before tour. We do not use our phones on dates - unless it's an emergency or a last-minute tour problem from one of the band members. This last date is our special time to make sure we can get through the next 7-14 days without wanting to die. After touring for a year we've noticed a few things. On a tour that's longer than a week, day 8 and 9 are the worst. So, we're planning on doing some extra-special things on those days. I plan on sending him love letters and [wifi-permitting] doing a Skype video-chat. He will hopefully send me flowers. (Not gonna happen but a girl can dream). Tour life is hard but ... it pays the bills. They are working their way to larger shows and hopefully staying home more often so it's a sacrifice I'm making in hopes for a better future. So far, it's been good for us both. We are growing closer and learning so much about our relationship.

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