Tuesday, August 14, 2012

30 before 30

Tomorrow I am turning TWENTY-NINE!  Last year, I wasn't too excited about being 28.  But, 29 is okay.  29 is refined and classy and it's my last year in my twenties so I want it to be amazing.  I used to be extremely driven and goal oriented but over the years I've lost some of the fire and passion I once had.  I feel much more at peace and content with my life but a part of me misses that insanely intense person.  I'm bringing a little bit of her back.  I've made a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30!
  1. Sew something using a pattern (instead of just winging it)
  2. Make my own sushi
  3. Visit Canada (preferably Edmonton but Vancouver or Kelowna will do)
  4. Visit Nashville
  5. Run another half marathon
  6. Take the train somewhere new
  7. Go snowboarding somewhere other than France this winter
  8. Do some local mission work 
  9. Hike in a rain forest
  10. Save $XX,000 for a down-payment on a house
  11. Get my camera cleaned
  12. Write letters to my husband while he's on tour
  13. Take some real piano or bass lessons
  14. Make a homemade alphabet book for BB
  15. Watch every movie that stars Marilyn Monroe
  16. Re-read The Great Gatsby before the movie comes out
  17. Go to a midnight showing of a movie (maybe Les Miserable since it's my favorite book)
  18. Renew my wedding vows (privately or publicly)
  19. Buy a pair of ridiculously expensive shoes
  20. Visit the capital - of anything
  21. Make an informed vote this November
  22. Buy a fish or a lobster from Seattle's Pike Place Market and cook it myself
  23. Take a dip in some hot springs
  24. Create a good, artistic film
  25. Go to a sold-out mega-concert
  26. Buy some stock(s)
  27. Go thrift-store shopping regularly
  28. Visit all 4 of Tacoma's museums (2/4, so far)
  29. Go on a backpacking trip / an overnight hike
  30. Make people laugh


  1. Can I be involved in at least one?!?!

    1. #26...#11...#19... just kidding! those are all the boring ones. OF COURSE YOU CAN BE INVOLVED!!!

    2. You realize you can do the hike the rain forest/ hot springs/ over night hike all in one...?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yay for Edmonton! Make sure you visit while its warm and the festivals are going on!

    1. We lived in Edmonton and havent been back in YEARRRS!

  3. If you need a place to crash in Nashville, you're welcome to stay with us! We're not scary ax murderer types, I promise. We're the broke musicians type. LOL

  4. wohoo! i didn't realize you and and had birthdays so close!?

  5. I'm curious what qualifies as ridiculously expensive shoes? Anything over $29.99? ; )

    1. Hehehe! Usually, yes! But ridiculously expensive, for this list could be anything over $100... Or ....$200

  6. Happy Birthday!!!! Wish I had thought of doing a list of 30 before 30. :)

  7. Great list - I love doing new things - I might have to borrow some of your ideas! :)

  8. I love this list. I think you should go back and edit this blog with a little cross out whenever you get one done!


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