My extended [fake] family, last summer |
In this photo is EVERYONE I grew up with, my
fake family. The family that's not really blood related, at all. We spend Christmas Eve, 4th of July, Memorial Weekend together. We even used to go camping with each other. It all started with my dad and his friend, Chuck, and their friends and wives and kids. Mixed into the photo are my very closest high school friends who have been "adopted" into the family as well. Fake families are awesome because you
choose them as your family. They're not forced upon you. Don't get me wrong, I love my real family, too, but I love calling someone an "uncle" or "aunt" because I
want to and I love them like family. It's special.
When Dan and I start our own family, we would love to have this fake family scenario, and I'm sure we will. And, it will probably consist of many people in the photo above.
Do you have an extended family? Tell me about them!
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