Wednesday, April 13, 2011


WE DID IT!!! My team, RASCALS, ran 59 miles on Sunday, April 10th! Here we are, L-R: Jordan : legs 2 and 7, Lindsy (me!) : legs 5 & 9, Aaron : legs 1 & 6, Andy : legs 3 & 8, Rina : legs 4 & 10. Time: 8:55:00 Average speed: 9 min/mile This is Aaron finishing leg 1, tagging Jordan to start leg 2.

Our beautiful driver

Our great support team!

Mt. Si Ultra Relay -- Here's how it all went down... We got up at 4:30am. (I am not a morning person, at all!) We drove Dan's band van up to North Bend, past Snoqualmie. 8 people in a van (our friends, Sam and Dewey came for support) and a whole lotta Gatorade/snacks/ice/napping/eating/laughing/.... oh yeah, and running. It was cold and rainy the whole day but we had a blast nonetheless. I've never had a more mentally challenging race in my life!

The first leg was 4.9 miles. I was having trouble breathing. It was windy, too. However, it was flat and scenic so I ended up passing 3 people. That felt good! I finished at a 8:15 pace. My 2nd leg was 7.1 miles. UGH. It started out SO GOOD, slight downhill, frogs chirping, babbling brooks, moss covered trees... then I got to mile 4-ish? (there were NO mile markers!) The train got flat and straight and it started to rain. I was exhasuted. I'd see about a mile away some people and some orange cones and think, "there's the end! finish strong!" and as I got closer, much to my dismay, found that they were only road crossings. This happened three times. Do you know what that does to a person!?!? It was mental torture. Long story short, I finished my 2nd run at a 9 minute mile pace and collapsed in the van. Will I do it next year? During the 7.1 leg I would have said HAIL-to-the-NO but now I'm thinking I might do it again. It was fun, challenging, and I'm proud of myself.

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe you're considering doing it again! you are crazy! But super duper proud of you guys!


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