Friday, March 04, 2011


Photo of the Day 03/03/11 - Libby at BBC with a ghotee I dont know where the fascination with mustaches came from. Maybe because they're so out of date, like courderoy and leisure suits, that you just have to giggle. These days a mustache is rare, even for older gentlemen. I've found that on young men (ages 20 - 30) mustaches are usually a joke to make their other guy friends laugh. Dan had a mustache a few days ago and it did not make me laugh at all.

Anyway, our new friends from "community" wanted to do a mustache photo shoot. Do I have a supply of fake mustaches? YES! I DO! So, one thing led to another and we found ourselves at BBC (Beyond the Bridge Cafe - 6th Ave, Tacoma) taking photos. We were only there from 9 - 10pm because it closes at 10. But it was fun getting to know Dan and Libby better. Here are some of the photos.

BTW, Libby has a rad fashion/lifestyle blog that you should read everyday.


  1. I think the girls look cuter with mustaches than the boys. It must be the European in me ;)

    I don't know what I'd do if my Husband grew a mustache, he'd look like a sex offender.

    Thanks for stopping by. Love your photos!

  2. you look sooo uber french with that stache! love it!

  3. Too funny.
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