Monday, May 25, 2015

21+ Weeks : Weight Gain and Dress Up 'Jammies

Being pregnant is awesome and wonderful and so incredibly awkward. I never realized how hard it would be to get dressed., how many feelings I would have about my growing body or how big I would actually get. I'm only 21 weeks and no one has commented on how big I am (Thank, God!) but I cant quite wrap my head around how big this bump is going to get. It seems about the right size right now but I know that bebe is only 11" long and weighs less than a pound. We've got a long ways to go!

I've been pretty much the same size my entire adult life, save for two times when we lived abroad. Like most women, I gained weight after I got married (three words: free Alberta beef). We were working at a church in Canada, just on the outskirts of Edmonton. Most of the congregation were farmers. It was winter for 9 months straight and we had a freezer full of steak. I was happily married and "done school" (a little Canadian phrase for ya) and so I gained about 20 pounds. It all came off pretty quickly when we moved to Tacoma, Washington and I became a personal trainer and started eating like a normal person. I also gained weight when we lived in France (one word: croissants). The scales were in kilogram so I'm not sure how much I gained but the weight came off incredibly fast and I was skinnier than ever after just 4 months back in the U.S. of A. 

Now, at almost 5 months pregnant, I think I weigh more than ever. And to know that I've got 19 more weeks is a bit overwhelming. Most of my jeans still fit with the help of my Belly Button Band. but for the most part I'm wearing enormous skirts that look like tents on me. I wore heels with a pencil skirt and cropped Tshirt the other day and I felt very exposed. I dont want to cover up in moo-moos but I dont really want to flaunt it all either. That's why this outfit does the trick. It's modest and trendy and I'm comfortable in it. It flaunts the bump but doesn't show off too much. Plus, I felt like I was in my PJs. Basically, this outfit wins and none of it is from the maternity department.

Mamas, did you feel overwhelmed about dressing the bump? When? And how did you, if at all, overcome?

Top: H&M, Pants: Gap, Shoes: Forever 21.


  1. Must be tough still being able to fit into your jeans at 19 weeks ;) You're growing a LIFE not a cheeseburger, so you're not big, your pregnant. I know it feels odd having what seems like a new body every week, but it is also a privilege. You look great and you will continue to look great till that sweet baby comes out :)

    1. Thanks, Anna! My jeans fit (barely) but it's too hot for jeans! haha. It's very odd but I'm loving it (mostly).

  2. Oh my gosh Lindsey, you are doing GREAT! I am 16 weeks pregnant and haven't fit into my normal clothes in months! Well, I had a miscarriage in September and have been wearing maternity pants since then but still, you are doing awesome. You MUST wear maternity pants/skirts/shorts with the wide band)! They are the best. So comfortable. And no one can tell. Honestly, each time I get pregnant I have the same things go through my head and insecurities but this time around (4th pregnancy) I'm just not thinking about it! I gained 40 lbs with Ryker and lost it all and more so this time I don't even care how much I gain! It will come off especially if you nurse. I decided skirts and dresses are going to be my best friend this summer. And Anna is hilarious! And correct!

    1. I was super insecure in my first trimester but now I'm not worried. I'm just... amused. I'm sure I'll gain at least 50 pounds and I'm totally ok with it! I dont know if we'll have more children so I dont want to buy maternity clothes. It's not really in the budget and I'm rather spend money on the baby. I'm trying a little experiment to work with what I've got - skirts, dresses, and tank tops - because it's going to be HOT until I'm due anyway! And I'm so sorry about your miscarriage. I just wanted to acknowledge that, too! Thanks so much for sharing. I love it.

  3. I wore a lot of dresses. Made getting dressed simple!


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