Friday, April 03, 2015

Oh, Baby!

We are elated to announce that we've got a baby on the way! Baby Read is due October 2, 2015!

He or she is the size of a lemon. I think that's supposed to be a big lemon because last week baby was the size of a bean pod and the week before that a lime. We've seen our little nugget once and heard a heartbeat twice. Doctors say everything is going well!

How was the first trimester? It wasn't bad. I haven't been sick, just nauseous. I'm hungry starving every 3 hours and I've probably gained too much weight but the important thing is that the baby is healthy and so am I! I ran the Glass Slipper Challenge (a 10k followed by a half marathon) at 8 weeks and have kept running since. I'm more tired than I ever thought possible and I sleep 10 hours a night. Overall, pretty good. An A- as far as first trimesters go.

Big brother Liam is very excited. He has recently declared that he "loves little babies" and hopes for a boy that wont play with his toys. (We'll see about that, bud.) Dan has been the most perfect partner. And, yes, we're finding out the gender in a few weeks. Liam was enough of a surprise (less than 24hour notice) and we want to plan everything this time!

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