Friday, May 02, 2014

Fake it Til You Make it

We've turned our whole lives around to accommodate "living the dream" and right now we're in the "fake it til you make it" phase. Dan and I realized the other day that we are making less money now than we did in our first year of marriage. Only now we have a child and health insurance. Somehow we're making it work. Trust me, it's a miracle that I cant explain. We do still have a bit of savings left but mostly we're living off of a musician's salary. I'm in a weird stage where I have this amazing job that I love and hope to be very, very busy at but right now I'm still training. So, we do a lot of the free things that Nashville has to offer: go on walks, free concerts, hit the gym, visit friends, read books or watch TV. Good times.

Sometimes in pursuit of "living the dream" you find yourself in places worse than you ever imagined. I think it's best to throw a quick pity party. You need to feeeeel how sucky things are, assess it, realize it's not that bad and then pick yourself up and go make things happen. Fake it til you make it, my friends.

Doubt will kill your dreams faster than failure ever will.

This is an outfit I could wear to a client meeting but not to an event. The skirt is too short. It's a dress from Rodarte for Target a few years ago. (I wish Rodarte for Target was on constant rotation.) Leopard print is so fun to work with. It goes with so many things and I love adding a pop of random color. Also, I guess tying your shirt up like this is cool again? So, basically my 10-year-old-self is stoked that my 30-year -old-self is still rockin' this look 20 years later. Classic black heels and BAM you've got a super easy outfit. Turn those dresses into skirts, ladies. You just doubled your wardrobe.

Shirt: H&M. Dress: Rodarte for Target. Heels: Target. Earrings and bangles: gift. Photos by Blair McLeod.

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  1. About five years ago, we knew about three other couples who were where we were at the same time: broke as a joke and clueless how to get out of it. We were all at this stage of career flux, and as a result budgets had to change, "going out" had a whole different meaning, etc. We were taking in all the free things, throwing pity parties together, and just going "This sucks, but we won't give up!"

    Since then... none of us are rich by ANY means, but we got through it. We never gave up. And I know I, for one, appreciate this little bit of breathing room we have more than ever. (Okay, breathing room for 3/4 of the year... then there's that 1/4 in which we are quickly reminded how to buckle down and eat skettios).

    My point is, I think what you're going through is the Nashville freshman year -- that year that tests you and makes sure you've got what it takes to push through -- and you are already rockin' it better than we EVER did. You guys are going to pull through and be better than ever on the other side. And know that we are here ANY time you need anything at all. <3 xoxo

  2. LOVE this outfit and cheers to you chasing your dream. I (and my husband mainly) are too scared to take the leap... or rather have me take the leap. someday, God willing, :)


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