Thursday, April 17, 2014

Coffee + Home

Ankle boots: Gap. Jeans: BDG, Urban Outfitters. T-shirt: H&M. Plaid: Target. Necklaces: Forever 21. Hat: Florence, Italy. Photos of me by: Blair, Wild-and-Precious.

You know when you meet someone and you cant stop talking? That's been happening to me a lot lately. Maybe it's because everyone I talk to is new to me or maybe it's because my husband travels a lot and I have a lot of words stored up. But, really, I think it's because I just keep meeting such interesting people. I have ended many conversations with the phrase, "I'm sure we could keep talking for hours". I have many unfinished conversations, most of them put on pause because of a screaming child or some because we run out of time.

It's nice making new friends. Friends are what make a place feel like home.

Blair and I got together on a sunny (and, again, cold) afternoon for some more delicious coffee and style photos. She and I could definitely talk for hours but I like that we get to pop in and hang out and then we're both off to our regularly scheduled, far-too-busy lives. During our conversation, pre-photos, she told me about the Influence Conference which is September 25 - 27 in Indianapolis. Then I told Dan about it and he really wants me to go. I am going to think of a creative way to raise the funds because I don't want to Dan to have to sell a guitar for me to go! Because he would, God bless him. 

Barista Parlor was the setting for these photos and the conversation. Some Stumptown Coffee (Portland, OR) and the most aesthetically pleasing coffee shop in all of Nashville. I just wish there was one on every corner. Then I would truly feel at home.


  1. love love love you!!! see you at the easter egg hunt. and yes yes yes!! want you at the conference!!!!!

  2. cute outfit! love the pics of the coffee shop. we have to come visit nashville.


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