Friday, March 07, 2014


The van was packed, our rental house was empty and filthy. Liam didn't nap. He must have felt my nervous energy. Dan was late. We were late. It was raining. 

Those are what I remember from this day if I didn't have these beautiful photos snapped by our wonderful friend, Rachel. Now I look at these smiling faces. I remember choking back tears as our social workers spoke of how loved our Liam is and our ability to parent him. 

On that day, the law told us that Liam is our son! I don't have to worry about all the foster-parent rules or worry about his birth parents anymore. I get to do whatever I want with him. 

We're settled in Nashville and living a completely new life. I don't want this new life to overshadow the most significant change in our lives: We went to court and became Liam's parents. Forever and ever. 

Beautiful photos by Rachel,


  1. This warms my foster momma (and momm in gen) heart biiiig time! Love to see kids have a happy ending, and what a beautiful family your boy has!! Congrats momma!

    1. Thank you so much! We have such a great story. I just never want to forget it!

  2. Oh Lindsy - congratulations. So happy for you all. And love, love, love that BB's name is Liam ;)


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