Thursday, February 06, 2014

February Uniform

It's that time of year. The gray days of February. And, every Pacific Northwesterner joins in on nature's fun by wearing gray, too. It's a strange winter phenomenon. Perhaps I should go against the grain and throw on my red coat and purple pants. But, it's too cold in my bedroom for such creativity. I throw on all the neutrals I can find. Gray, black, and military green are staples.

We've been packing up the house and staying inside during these bleak winter days. We're dreaming of hot, humid summer nights on our back porch in Nashville. Most of the country is in a deep freeze. What's your favorite part about this time of year? Or are you, like me, just trying to get by?

On me: hat, boots, pants: Nordstrom; scarf: borrowed; jacket: thrifted. On BB: pants, Target; shoes: Converse (Target); jacket: Old Navy; scarf: made by me; hat: Baby Gap.

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