Monday, December 30, 2013

Twenty Thirteen

This year FLEW BY. I thought life with kids was supposed to slow down - and in many ways, it has - but holy cow I feel like I was just throwing BB's 1st birthday party and now he's almost 2 and a half.

This year was one of our most incredible, remarkable, disappointing and unforgettable years yet! 

JAN// We sold our house and I finished my Narnia tattoo. Also, I cant believe that THIS was January. He has grown up so much this year.
FEB// We celebrated one year with our sweet boy.
MAR// We renewed our vows. Dan did over 5,000 miles of touring: through the Midwest to California and back home.
APR// We took a road trip to California to record some of Dan's personal songs. I went to my second PNW blogger meet-up and I made my first (from scratch) French Silk Pie.
MAY// The Great Gatsby came out and I lost my mind. Loved that book/movie and had a BLAST with my lady friends at the midnight premier.
JUN// In June we did a ton of hiking! The weather was perfect.
JUL// My little brother got engaged! We visited our family in the Midwest and I went to the Dells for the first time ever. Loved it!
AUG// Dan and I celebrated 10 years of marriage. I turned 30 and we had a pool party!
SEP// BB turned 2 and we started the still-not-resolved-hurry-up-and-wait process regarding his permanency. 
OCT// Dan and I took off for 10 days in the Mediterranean to celebrate our 10 years together. 
NOV// My brother married an awesome girl, BB was the most adorable ring bearer. I went to another PNW Blogger party and we had a nice, little Thanksgiving in Vancouver with my family.
DEC// We announced our move to Nashville and have started making plans to get there. We took our boy to see our entire family in Chicago: 2 grandparents, 8 aunts and uncles and 12 cousins (all under the age of 11). We got to see all of our immediate family this Christmas and it was a wonderful whirlwind. BB did great on both flights so we're looking forward to some more stress-free flying in his future! Dan played 143 shows this year, played some of their biggest shows ever, toured to many new cities, & was nominated CFA Indie Artist of the Year.

Dan's entire family. His parents, 2 sisters and 2 brothers, their spouses and (13!) children.

With our move to Nashville coming up (soon!) I'm sure 2014 will be even more unforgettable!

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