Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Black and White

Mirror self portrait, Oct 2011.
Well....winter is here. It's the time of year where all I want to wear is black. It's easy and, somehow, makes me feel warmer. In honor of winter and the "deep freeze" we're experiencing here in the PNW I've compiled a few of my favorite black and white themed photos along with my favorite Black or White video... One of the best music videos ever made. Way ahead of its time, amiright?!

leggings: Street Vendor in LA (a tour gift from Dan), socks: H&M, boots: Minnetonka

Self portrait with my bunny, Winston, forever a jackalope. RIP Winston. 2009-2011.
On a bridge in Nashville, Nov 2012. shirt: H&M.
sweater: H&M, jeans; GAP, shoes: Minnetonka

Cafe in San Diego, CA

Rain drops falling from the eaves
My feet on the dashboard, dirty windshield, road trip from AZ to CA in 2011.

drop-waist dress and leggings: Target

1 comment:

  1. Love the last photo! Such a pretty momma and handsome bub, need more pics of myself with my littles!


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