Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Several months ago, I shared with my community group that I was so worn out by LIFE.  My life was on spin dry, like a broken washing machine that's been spinning for far too long so that the clothes inside are totally crusty and dry.  I just had nothing to give.

I'm learning that I am stronger than I allow myself to be.  More importantly, I'm learning that anything I lack I can get from God.  That doesn't mean I'm weak, that just means that I need my Creator.  The created is nothing without her creator.  God invented life, He wrote the manual.  Why do I always try to figure things out on my own?  If you believe in God then why do you struggle through this life when there's a higher being who's got it all figured out for you?

Sometimes I still don't have anything to give.  My life is still nuts and that's probably not going to change.  Sometimes I need to ditch my mostly self-imposed obligations and just be free.  Other times, I need to get out there and help people.  Listen to people, share with them, feed the hungry, clothe the naked.  One thing is for sure, I cant live life on my own timing and terms.  When I just give up all the anger and anxiety, that's when I will have something to give.  Life's not about ME.  Life is meant to be shared.  That's the way my Creator intended me to be.

What do you do when you're "on empty"?

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