Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Seniors: Kelsey and Koln

I love photographing high school seniors.  They're so fun and young and exciting!  They [usually] know what they want and they're super relaxed.  It's always fun hearing stories about what they're going to miss most about high school and what they're looking forward to in the future.  I photographed Kelsey and Kolin last week and although I didn't get permission I'm going to tell their stories.  [It's okay, I know them personally].

Kelsey is one smart lady!  She loves to read and she's extremely talented in the performing arts.  I have seen her in several plays, musicals, and dances and she's awesome!  She is going to study music at PLU this fall.  She has a friend going there, too. 


Kolin is one of those kids who's extremely brilliant but doesn't have the attention span for school.  He's an only child and he's one of the most [mentally] creative kids I know. His apptitude for memorizing random facts/ songs/ names/ ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is amazing.  Right now he's not sure if he's going to college or travel or buy a house or buy a business.  Mark my words, he's going to be very successful someday.

Oh to be young again... eh?  Just for the fun of it, here is one of MY senior photos, courtesy of Dave's Studio.  circa 2001.


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