Thursday, March 03, 2011

Impromptu Art Night

My cousin, Brit, makes really good food and has an awesome loft in downtown by the Tacoma Dome. Last night we didn't have plans and neither did she (a rarity!) so she invited us over for her "famous" sweet potatoe burritos. She made them for my birthday last summer. They are BOMB. Well, a few other friends who had nothing to do ended up joining us and an impromptu art session ensued.

What do you like to do with your friends? If you're sick of TV, movies, and meals. Try art! Make music! Do a funny photo shoot with props (which is what I'm doing tonight and hoping for some rad photos to share tomorrow). Not creative? Play a board game! Go to a concert! Life is too short to sit around watching TV.

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: my husband says to add "but TV is fun, too." He loves TV. I dont.


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