Thursday, March 31, 2011


Photo of the Day. 03/30/11.

So, Dan is back! He was gone for 10 days, which sounds like a lot but after the past year that we've had, 10 days is nothing! It's getting a lot easier. Perhaps it's our new community group, our friends, or just learning how to deal with it. I don't prefer for him to be gone but I'm coping with it quite well. It's very difficult while he's gone but it's helped me be a stronger person. I since we have a such a solid foundation (10 years) it's been easier than if we were newly-weds or just dating. I trust him and I'm confident in our love and commitment to each other. Even though he's gone, I consult with him on EVERYTHING but I am gaining more confidence in my abilities as a woman. And when he comes home it's sooo fun! We've spent the last three nights making dinner together and talking and watching our favorite TV shows and movies. I love my life and I know I'm lucky.

Here's a look at what Dan does when he's gone... [fan video, 3/26/11]

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