Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Caffeinated Beverages and UNO

This is Ben turning his flannel into a 
"deep-V" after giving Brittny his undershirt. 

Last night I was at the new Metronome Coffee, formerly Origin 23. It's on 6th Ave and Union, right by the house that I own but don't live in. Last night was precious and definitely boosted my mood. Dan's been gone two weeks - and gets home TONIGHT!!! - and while he's been gone it's been a "crap storm" over at our house. Flooding, new gutters, more flooding, angry tenants, hiring a handyman. It was awful.

So, last night, a bunch of my pals got together at Metronome. As far as I know, it was a pretty spontaneous idea. Surprisingly, we were all free! A rare occasion. We were being really silly and I love that. A bunch of kids in their late twenties playing UNO in a coffee shop. Maybe it was the caffeinated beverages (Coffee Stout/ Tea) or the ambiance or maybe it had just been too long since we all had some good, clean fun but we had a blast.

Andy kissing Sam's probably-broken thumb
Dewey and I hiding behing our UNO cards
Brittny, being lovely

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